改编自真实事件,聚焦前英国情报机构政府通信总部的翻译员Katharine Gun,她在2003年伊拉克战争爆发前夕泄露了一份国家安全局备忘录,曝光美国和英国联合对联合国安理会成员进行的非法间谍活动。本片的剧本来自基于此真实事件的纪实文学作品《The Spy Who Tried To Stop A War: Katharine Gun And The Secret Plot To Sanction The Iraq Invasion》。</p>...
单身妈妈珍妮弗·马什(迪安·雷恩 Diane Lane 饰)是供职于FBI网络犯罪科的探员,她日常的工作就是对网络进行监视,查找任何一个盗取信用卡及其他可能造成危害的犯罪分子。在一次围剿信用卡盗贼的行动中,珍妮弗偶然进入一个名为KillwithMe的网站,网站通过视频直播一只小猫受虐死去的全过程。珍妮弗直觉该网站背后必有黑幕,她试图追踪IP和服务器,最终一无所获,似乎她所面对的对手具有颇为复杂的背景。...
Leigh VanVoreen had to escape from Farthinggale Manor and the secrets she harbored. She fell into the arms of Luke Casteel, whose devotion promised her hope. Only Luke knew her deepest secret. Bravely she bore the local folks' suspicions as she grasped for the happiness that had long eluded her, awaiting the birth of her child and hoping for a chance at happily-ever-after....